Hello Washington County!
My name is Jenny Ha and I am serving as your 2021-2022 WCASC President.
After almost two years of being virtual, it is a great pleasure to finally be back in-person. I never realized how much I have missed interacting with my Board of Student Leaders through more than a screen. This transition back into in-person does not come with struggle, however. This might have to be one of the hardest years to be a president. As with all organizations, there have been major losses in participation. Underclassmen have not been exposed to WCASC before, and so WCASC has to rebuild from the ground up.
Despite the odds stacked against us, I am determined to bring WCASC back with a blazing force, both inside and outside of Washington County. Our wonderful Board of Student Leaders has been working hard planning meaningful and effective General Assemblies. We had our first in-person General Assembly in almost two years on February 24th. This was a major success! With over 60 people that attended, this is more participation than we have ever seen on virtual. We hope to only grow that number with our future General Assemblies. At the state level, WCASC has had representation at every major MASC event. We hope to grow our attending delegation; despite the misconception that rural areas are less active, our leadership is extremely strong and we want to share that with the rest of the state.
Our work does not stop there either. We are in the midst of revamping the WCASC platform: from redesigning our logo and website to renewing our legislative platform, WCASC is coming back better than ever before. Another subcommittee of ours has also been working on fundraisers. This year, we are collaborating with the Aiden Matthew Ripple Effect Foundation in terms of mental health and anti-bullying. We will be raising money for their scholarship, which is offered towards Washington County students interested in pursuing a career in mental health. This is a great way to give back to our students who are pursuing a higher education. Lastly, a project that I have personally handled is the creation of the President’s Council. With this Council, I am able to reach out to each SGA president in the county directly with important information. We had our first virtual meeting this February where we talked about common problems within our SGAs as well as ideas that we could bring back to our own schools. Please look forward to the developments of these projects!
I know I have a large role to fill; coming back from virtual is certainly no easy task. However, I have the fullest confidence that the Board and I will help WCASC rebound and come back stronger than before. We are action-oriented; we will not be stagnant and will continue to propel forward with our plans. Thank you so much to everyone who helped me achieve this opportunity, and I vow to fulfill my duty as President to the best of my ability.
Stay Wonderful,

Jenny Ha
WCASC President