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From the President - April 2022

Hello Washington County!

My name is Jenny Ha, and this year I had the great pleasure of serving as your 2021-2022 WCASC President.

This year was a year of grand change. This year, after almost two years of virtual meetings, WCASC came back and hit the ground running. We have returned to in-person General Assemblies, which have been a huge success thanks to our passionate student leaders. We have also had WCASC representation at every major MASC event as well as their executive meetings, and so I only hope for that number to grow in the future.

I have also reestablished the President's Council, where we have been holding monthly meetings where each school updated us on their current projects, and I have also been sending monthly updates to your presidents as well, giving them direct access to information rather than having to go through the advisor. I will work with our future President to ensure that this council continues.

Lastly, we have also geared our focus to be more action-oriented through the use of subcommittees. Through these subcommittees, we effectively revamped WCASC with our updated website, logo, and usage of our Instagram to give students up-to-date information. One of our subcommittees has been working with our Division 1 Liason to host a Western Leadership Retreat for next school year. With all of this, I believe that this year’s Board of Student Leaders has set a firm foundation for future Boards to become more efficient and to accomplish their goals.

As my time comes to a close, I would like to reflect on my time within WCASC. When I first started as a freshman, I was a shy little girl who could not even fathom raising her hand or being in front of a crowd. Nervous, I did not have the courage to speak to people about the change I wanted to see within our schools. However, WCASC changed that for me. When I joined the Board of Student Leaders (after enduring the terrifying experience of elections), I felt like my voice was always heard. Being around a group of compassionate, hardworking individuals who harbored the same mindset of change made me comfortable with sharing my voice. To me, that is the essence of student government; we have the power to amplify the voices of those who are unheard. Our voice is our power, and it is our duty to use it for the greater good.

Thank you for giving me the best year of my life. I hope I have made you proud.

Stay Wonderful,

Jenny Ha

WCASC President

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Hello Washington County! My name is Jenny Ha and I am serving as your 2021-2022 WCASC President. After almost two years of being virtual,...


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